Thursday, 21 April 2011

Linking to the University's web presence

At some points in the game, the user will need to be taken to a part of the University's web presence in connection with the relevant "goal". This will either be to complete a specific task, or to get further information that is managed my a specific department.

A provisional list of pages that could be used has been identified as follows:

Point in game Purpose Possible page
Student Card Where they have to upload their photo and complete the e-enrolment form
GP Registration Information on the vaccinations they should get
SU Goodie Bag Introduction to the Student Union
Bus Map & Timetable Local travel information & orientation
Entertainment Flyers Information on upcoming events
[something related to IT] How their e-mail address and user account will be set up
Room Key (non-local only) What to do on arrival No current page
Shopping List To give information about local amenities around the campuses No current page
Timetable (Monday Morning Room Number) Where to go on the first day of term No current single page, but each faculty has a version, so it may be useful to provide and addition central page

A number of these pages will require rewriting as the relevant content is part of a longer page, while three remain to be created.

The next stage will be to identify which service looks after which content, and for Chris to liaise with the relevant staff members who manage the content via the University's CMS.

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