The game as we have planned it has three levels:
Level 0
Starting with the UK-in-Europe aerial view, and zooming in to the region, and then the Virtual Campus Tours. The user can navigate around the campuses freely, chatting to Purple Helpers if they wish or to FAQ Avatars to get answers to our list of FAQs.
Level 1
Welcome Week Journey Part 1 - On Arrival - Collecting your Key and Student Card. The player visits the Enrolment Hall and visits a series of four desks to collect items for their inventory - key, student card, GP registration and goodie bag (highlighted in Green). When they have collected all these items, they are shown to their Halls and their room by a Purple Helper. For local students, they are prompted to 'Go Home' -> move on to Level 2.
Level 2
Welcome Week Journey Part 2 - Your Room - We figure that all students will have a room, whether they are local or non-local, either at home or in Halls. The level opens inside the generic bedroom, which features a Notice Board. This has a place for each of the 4 items already collected, and empty spaces for 6 new items. The user undertakes a series of tasks (which involve walking around the campus to find people / items / locations) to collect the 6 items for their inventory and Notice Board
Story lines
At the moment there are 9 items to collect (IE 9 story lines). Each item ends up on the notice board, and relates to a URL where the student can access real-world information:
- Student Card - URL for where they have to upload their photo and complete the e-enrolment form
- Room Key (non-local only) - URL to page about what to do on arrival
- GP Registration - URL for info on the vaccinations they should get
- SU Goodie Bag - URL for Student Union Website
- Timetable (Monday Morning Room Number) - URL relating to their course/faculty?
- Bus Map & Timetable - URL to bus timetable/map
- Shopping List - URL to page about local amenities?
- Entertainment Flyers - URL to SU website?
- Something related to IT (eg their uni email address?)
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